General Information on Renting Your Vandoit Van

General Information on Renting Your Vandoit Van

If you have been thinking about renting your Vandoit out, see the resources below to help you get started. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to & Sarah@vandoit.comthe Vandoit Rental Affiliate Managers.

One disclaimer before we get started: Vandoit is not guaranteeing, promising, or implying any income from renting out your Vandoit. Vandoit hosts a page on the company website to market your van to potential renters through an outside peer-to-peer marketplace. 

What is the Vandoit Rental Affiliate Program?

Vandoit has partnered with Outdoorsy to allow potential renters and future owners to find Vandoit owners who rent out their vans. We highlight the vans, sortable by location, that are part of the Affiliate Program on After renters identify a van that they want to rent, they are directed to the Outdoorsy site to finalize the booking and sign the dotted line. Rentals are finalized through Outdoorsy between the renter and you, the owner of a Vandoit! Basically, you can just think about the Vandoit rental page as free marketing for your rental.

How much does it cost me?

Outdoorsy charges 20% of your rental rate and add-ons for facilitating the rental. It is a bit like Airbnb for RVs. There is no additional cost to be a part of the rental affiliate program.

What about Insurance?

It is important to note that many insurance companies will drop you and every vehicle on your policy if they find out about you renting out your van. That is why we have a partnership with Roamly. Roamly is an insurance product designed for people who want to rent out their RVs. You can follow the link for a free quote.

While your van is being rented, the renter will pay a daily insurance rate that will cover your van in the instance of any issues. It is important to note that the insurance they pay only covers exterior damage and if you or the renter wishes the interior to be covered from any damage, then there is an additional fee that the renter has to pay.

Ok, I am ready to rent out my van! What's next?    

  1. Reach out to and to set up a time to chat. The conversation usually takes 30 minutes or less. 

  2. After the meeting, go to Outdoorsy and create your listing by clicking on the “List Your RV” Button in the top right of the page. Follow the steps and publish your van for rent.

  3. Once your Outdoorsy listing is live, fill out this form which will be sent to Spencer and Sarah to start the next step of the process. After the form is filled out, you will be sent some digital paperwork from Zoho Sign to fill out with all the legal documentation that we need to get you on the platform. When all that is signed, we will get you on the rental site and ready to send people your way.

What if I have more questions?

Please reach out to & We would be happy to set up a phone call or Zoom meeting to address any other questions you might have.

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